Continuing soon...\nIf it won't start, please try refreshing<\/a> the page!","\u00dagy l\u00e1tszik a stream bet\u00f6lt\u00e9se az \u00e1tlagosn\u00e1l tov\u00e1bb tart.<\/b> Hamarosan kezd\u0151dik...Ha m\u00e9gsem indulna el, pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld meg friss\u00edteni<\/a> az oldalt!":"It looks like the stream is loading slower than usual.<\/b>Starting soon...\nIf it won't start, please try refreshing<\/a> the page!","\u00dagy l\u00e1tszik a vide\u00f3 bet\u00f6lt\u00e9se az \u00e1tlagosn\u00e1l tov\u00e1bb tart.<\/b> Hamarosan folytat\u00f3dik...Ha m\u00e9gsem indulna el, pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld meg friss\u00edteni<\/a> az oldalt!":"It looks like the video is loading slower than usual.<\/b>Continuing soon...\nIf it won't start, please try refreshing<\/a> the page!","\u00dagy l\u00e1tszik a vide\u00f3 bet\u00f6lt\u00e9se az \u00e1tlagosn\u00e1l tov\u00e1bb tart.<\/b> Hamarosan kezd\u0151dik...Ha m\u00e9gsem indulna el, pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld meg friss\u00edteni<\/a> az oldalt!":"It looks like the video is loading slower than usual.<\/b>Starting soon...\nIf it won't start, please try refreshing<\/a> the page!","Egyszerre csak egy f\u00e1jlt jelenthetsz!":"You can only report one file at the same time!","Biztosan el akarod t\u00e1vol\u00edtani ezt az elemet a szettb\u0151l?":"Are you sure you want to remove this item from the set?","Biztosan el akarod t\u00e1vol\u00edtani az \u00f6sszes k\u00e9rd\u00e9st a szettb\u0151l?":"Are you sure you want to remove all questions from the set?","\u00daj n\u00e9v":"New name","kurzus lead\u00e1sa":"leave course","kurzus felv\u00e9tele":"join course","Biztosan elfogadod?":"Are you sure you approve?","Az elfogadott levelek el lesznek k\u00fcldve a kijel\u00f6lt c\u00edmzetteknek!":"Approved messages will be sent to the selected recipients.","Biztosan visszautas\u00edtod?":"Are you sure you want to reject?","A kijel\u00f6lt levelek t\u00f6r\u00f6lve lesznek!":"The selected messages will be deleted!","Az elfogadott elemek megjelennek a men\u00fckben \u00e9s a keres\u0151kben.":"Accepted items will appear in the menus and search engines.","A kijel\u00f6lt elemek t\u00f6r\u00f6lve lesznek!":"The selected items will be deleted!","A t\u00f6rl\u00e9s nem visszavonhat\u00f3 m\u0171velet!":"Deletion cannot be reversed!","A kijel\u00f6lt elemek megmaradnak!":"The selected items remain in the system!","Biztosan elfogadod a bejelent\u00e9seket?":"Are you sure you want to accept the reports?","A kijel\u00f6lt tartalmak t\u00f6r\u00f6lve lesznek a rendszerb\u0151l!":"The selected content will be deleted from the system!","Megjel\u00f6l\u00f6d megoldottnak a kijel\u00f6lt bejelent\u00e9seket?":"Do you want to mark the selected reports as solved?","A kijel\u00f6lt elemek le lesznek z\u00e1rva!":"The selected items will be closed!","Biztosan visszautas\u00edtod a bejelent\u00e9seket?":"Are you sure you want to reject the reports?","Biztosan elt\u00e1vol\u00edtod ezt a vizsg\u00e1t?":"Are you sure you want to remove this exam?","A m\u0171velet nem vonhat\u00f3 vissza k\u00e9s\u0151bb.":"The procedure cannot be reversed later.","Az \u00fajraind\u00edt\u00e1ssal a fi\u00f3khoz tartoz\u00f3 eredm\u00e9nyek elt\u0171nnek, \u00edgy a vizsg\u00e1z\u00f3k \u00fajra kit\u00f6lthetik a tesztet.":"By restarting the exam all the results will disappear from the accounts and examinees can restart the test.","Biztosan folytatod?":"Do you want to continue?","Biztosan elt\u00e1vol\u00edtod ezt a cikket?":"Are you sure you want to remove this article?","Ugyanannyi v\u00e1lasz c\u00edmk\u00e9t adj meg, mint amennyi v\u00e1laszt defini\u00e1lt\u00e1l!":"Enter the same amount of answer tags as the number of answers you defined!","Ugyanannyi v\u00e1ltoz\u00f3 t\u00edpust adj meg, mint amennyi v\u00e1ltoz\u00f3t defini\u00e1lt\u00e1l!":"Enter the same amount of variable types as the number of variables you defined!","Ugyanannyi minimum \u00e9s maximumot adj meg, mint amennyi v\u00e1ltoz\u00f3t defini\u00e1lt\u00e1l!":"Enter the same amount of minimums and maximums as the number of variables you defined!","Ugyanannyi benne blokkot adj meg, mint amennyi v\u00e1ltoz\u00f3t defini\u00e1lt\u00e1l!":"Define the same number of \"in\" blocks as variables!","Ugyanannyi k\u00edv\u00fcl blokkot adj meg, mint amennyi v\u00e1ltoz\u00f3t defini\u00e1lt\u00e1l!":"Define the same number of \"out of\" blocks as variables!","Biztosan elt\u00e1vol\u00edtod ezt a szettet?":"Are you sure you want to remove this set?","Minden megold\u00e1st megadt\u00e1l?":"Did you enter every solution?","Tov\u00e1bbi v\u00e1laszokat a + gomb seg\u00edts\u00e9g\u00e9vel adhatsz hozz\u00e1.":"You can add additional answers with help of the + button.","Ez a m\u0171velet t\u00f6rli az eddigi DVR felv\u00e9telt \u00e9s \u00fajat ind\u00edt. Ad\u00e1s k\u00f6zben nem aj\u00e1nlott!":"This procedure will delete the DVR recording and start a new one. This is not recommended during broadcasting!","\u00dagy t\u0171nik, hogy a megadott email c\u00edm helytelen. K\u00e9rj\u00fck jav\u00edtsd!":"It seems that the provided email address is incorrect. Please correct it!","\u00dagy t\u0171nik helyett \u00edrt\u00e1l!":"It seems that you have written instead of!","Ha ezt szeretted volna, ezt figyelmen k\u00edv\u00fcl hagyhatod.":"If this is what you wanted, you can ignore this message.","\u00dagy t\u0171nik helyett \u00edrt\u00e1l!":"It seems that you have written instead of!","Az \u00fajranyit\u00e1s lehet\u0151v\u00e9 teszi, hogy a kit\u00f6lt\u0151 folytassa a tesztet. Ezalatt az eredm\u00e9nylap sem tekinthet\u0151 meg!":"Reopening allows the examinee to continue the test. The results page cannot will become unavailable until it is completed!","Biztosan \u00fajranyitod a tesztet?":"Are you sure you want to re-open the test?","Ennek oka, hogy a t\u00f6bbi f\u00e1jlt a saj\u00e1t f\u00e1jlt\u00e1rol\u00f3don kereszt\u00fcl t\u00f6lt\u00f6tted fel, \u00edgy ezeket csak ott helyezheted \u00e1t.":"The reason for this is that you uploaded the other files through your own file storage, so you cannot replace these ones.","Kijel\u00f6lt\u00e9l n\u00e9h\u00e1ny elemet is, amelyekn\u00e9l a jobb oldali men\u00fcgomb el van sz\u00fcrk\u00edtve. Ezeket nem fogod tudni \u00e1thelyezni.":"You have also selected items with grey menu buttons on the right side. You won't be able to move these.","Ennek oka, hogy ezeket saj\u00e1t f\u00e1jlt\u00e1rol\u00f3don kereszt\u00fcl t\u00f6lt\u00f6tted fel, ez\u00e9rt csak ott helyezheted \u00e1t \u0151ket.":"The reason for this is that you uploaded them through your own file storage, so you can only replace them there.","N\u00e9h\u00e1ny f\u00e1jl meghaladja a megengedett maxim\u00e1lis f\u00e1jlm\u00e9retet.":"Some of the files exceed the maximum file size.","Az \u00e9rintett mez\u0151ket s\u00e1rg\u00e1val jel\u00f6lt\u00fck.":"The relevant fields are marked yellow.","\u00dczenetek elrejt\u00e9se":"Hide messages","\u00dagy t\u0171nik m\u00e9g nem rendelkezel EduBase fi\u00f3kkal vagy csak nem jelentkezt\u00e9l be. Szeretn\u00e9l regisztr\u00e1lni \u00e9s ut\u00e1na kipr\u00f3b\u00e1lni a Quiz rendszer\u00fcnket?":"It seems that you do not have an EduBase account or you have not logged in. Would you like to register and try out our Quiz system?","\u00dagy t\u0171nik m\u00e9g nem j\u00e1tszott\u00e1l Quiz rendszer\u00fcnkkel. Mit sz\u00f3ln\u00e1l ha el\u0151bb kipr\u00f3b\u00e1ln\u00e1d a bemutat\u00f3 j\u00e1t\u00e9kunkat, ami seg\u00edt megismerni \u00e9s kezelni a platformunkat?":"It seems that you haven't used our Quiz system yet. How about a quick tutorial game which helps you get to know our platform?","Ezt a k\u00e9rd\u00e9st addig fogod csak l\u00e1tni, am\u00edg befejezed els\u0151 Quiz j\u00e1tszm\u00e1dat. Rem\u00e9lj\u00fck tetszeni fog.":"You will only see this question until you finish your first Quiz. Hope you'll like it!","Nincs jogosults\u00e1god a kiv\u00e1lasztott Quiz elind\u00edt\u00e1s\u00e1hoz.":"You are not permitted to launch the selected Quiz.","Ez a szett csak vizsga m\u00f3dban ind\u00edthat\u00f3.":"This set can only be launched in exam mode.","Biztosan elt\u00e1vol\u00edtod ezt a vide\u00f3t?":"Are you sure you want to remove this video?","Biztosan vissza akarod vonni a kijel\u00f6lt {selected} jogosults\u00e1got?":["Are you sure you want to revoke the selected {selected} permission?","Are you sure you want to revoke the selected {selected} permissions?"],"A jog t\u00f6rl\u00e9s\u00e9vel ki is z\u00e1rhatod magad!":"By deleting this permission you could shut yourself out as well!","jel\u00f6l\u00e9s visszavon\u00e1sa":"unselect","megjel\u00f6l\u00e9s":"select","Elfogadod a jav\u00edt\u00e1st \u00e9s a kapott pontjaidat?":"Do you accept the corrections and the given points?","A m\u0171velet k\u00e9s\u0151bb m\u00e1r nem visszavonhat\u00f3!":"The procedure cannot be reversed later!","Kit\u00f6lt\u00f6d a Quizhez tartoz\u00f3 \u00e9rt\u00e9kel\u0151 \u0171rlapot?":"Do you want to fill in the Quiz evaluation form?","Miel\u0151tt elk\u00fcld\u00f6d fel\u00fclvizsg\u00e1latra, jel\u00f6ld be a probl\u00e9m\u00e1snak gondolt feladatokat! Ehhez haszn\u00e1ld a jel\u00f6l\u00e9s funkci\u00f3t a feladatok sz\u00e1ma mellett!":"Before you submit them for reviewing, select the tasks you think are incorrect! To do this, use the select button next to the task numbers!","Biztosan elk\u00fcld\u00f6d fel\u00fclvizsg\u00e1latra a megjel\u00f6lt feladatokat?":"Are you sure you want to submit the selected tasks for reviewing?","Megjel\u00f6lve":"Selected","Nem minden kijel\u00f6lt elem t\u00e1vol\u00edthat\u00f3 el.":"Not all selected items can be removed.","Csatlakoztatva":"Connected","Biztosan el akarod t\u00e1vol\u00edtani a kijel\u00f6lt {selected} tagot a csoportb\u00f3l?":["Are you sure you want to remove the selected {selected} member from the class?","Are you sure you want to remove the selected {selected} members from the class?"],"Biztosan el akarod t\u00e1vol\u00edtani ezt a tagot a csoportb\u00f3l?":"Are you sure you want to remove this member from the class?","Kattints ide vagy h\u00fazz ide f\u00e1jlokat a felt\u00f6lt\u00e9shez":"Drop files here or click to upload","megszak\u00edt\u00e1s":"abort","Biztosan megszak\u00edtod a felt\u00f6lt\u00e9st?":"Are you sure you want to abort the upload?","T\u00fal nagy f\u00e1jl! Maxim\u00e1lis f\u00e1jlm\u00e9ret: {{maxFilesize}} MB.":"File too big! Maximum file size: {{maxFilesize}} MB.","T\u00f6bb f\u00e1jl m\u00e1r nem t\u00f6lthet\u0151 fel. T\u00f6r\u00f6lj a megl\u00e9v\u0151k k\u00f6z\u00fcl, majd pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra!":"You cannot upload more files. Delete some of the existing ones and try again!","Szeretn\u00e9l ism\u00e9telt bead\u00e1st ind\u00edtani? Mostani eredm\u00e9nyed automatikusan t\u00f6r\u00f6lve lesz.":"Would you like to re-submit? Current result will be automatically deleted.","Szinkroniz\u00e1lt param\u00e9terek csak \u00fagy haszn\u00e1lhat\u00f3ak, ha minden LIST param\u00e9tern\u00e9l ugyanannyi elem van megadva!":"Synchronized parameters can only be used if all LIST parameters have the same amount of elements specified!","\u00f6sszes":"all","T\u00fal gyakran v\u00e1ltogatod az ablakokat vagy alkalmaz\u00e1sokat, f\u00f3kusz\u00e1lj most ink\u00e1bb a Quiz kit\u00f6lt\u00e9s\u00e9re! Ha tov\u00e1bbra is hasonl\u00f3 aktivit\u00e1st \u00e9szlel\u00fcnk, akkor r\u00f6gz\u00edtj\u00fck az eredm\u00e9nyed mell\u00e9 ezt is!":"You change windows or applications too often, focus on the Quiz instead! If you keep doing this, we will include it on your results page!","Azt se hagyd, hogy mobil eszk\u00f6z\u00f6d lez\u00e1r\u00f3djon!":"Also, don't let your mobile device ","Megoldatlan feladatok: {unanswered}":"Unsolved tasks: {unanswered}","R\u00e9szlegesen megoldott: {incomplete}":"Partially solved: {incomplete}","Az eredm\u00e9ny jelenleg \u00e9rv\u00e9nytelen<\/b>":"The results are currently invalid<\/b>","Kattints ide az \u00e9rv\u00e9nyes\u00edt\u00e9s\u00e9hez!":"Click here to validate them!","\u00c9rv\u00e9nytelen":"Invalid","Az eredm\u00e9ny jelenleg \u00e9rv\u00e9nyes<\/b>":"The results are currently valid<\/b>","Kattints ide az \u00e9rv\u00e9nytelen\u00edt\u00e9s\u00e9hez!":"Click here to invalidate them!","\u00c9rv\u00e9nyes":"Valid","A felugr\u00f3 ablakok<\/b> \u00fagy t\u0171nik blokkolva vannak<\/b>, enged\u00e9lyezd a b\u00f6ng\u00e9sz\u0151ben a helyes m\u0171k\u00f6d\u00e9shez! \u00c1ltal\u00e1ban a jobb fels\u0151 sarokban, a c\u00edmsorban vagy egy \u00fajonnan megjelen\u0151 s\u00e1vban tudod enged\u00e9lyezni.":"It seems that popup windows are blocked<\/b>, enable them to make our system work properly! Usually you can enable them in the upper right corner, in the URL bar or in a new bar.","Az ablak most nem nyithat\u00f3 meg, pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra vagy jelezd a hib\u00e1t nek\u00fcnk!":"The window cannot be opened now, try again or report the error to us!","V\u00e1ratlan hiba":"Unexpected error","kibont":"expand","\u00f6sszecsuk":"collapse","Nincsen a keres\u00e9snek megfelel\u0151 tal\u00e1lat!":"No matching results!","Kereshetsz tartalom t\u00edpusra, c\u00edmre vagy ak\u00e1r a bejegyz\u00e9sek tartalm\u00e1ra is.":"You can search for content type, title or post contents as well.","A M\u00e9gse gombot v\u00e1lasztva a Quiz automatikusan elindul ebben az ablakban 10 m\u00e1sodperc m\u00falva!":"By clicking the Cancel button the Quiz will automatically launch in this window in 10 seconds!","Nem adt\u00e1l meg \u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sokat. Legal\u00e1bb egy hamis vagy igaz \u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1st adj meg!":"You did not enter any statements. Enter at least one false or true one!","Legal\u00e1bb egy v\u00e1lasz megad\u00e1sa k\u00f6telez\u0151!":"At least one answer is required!","Az EduBase Quiz rendszer\u00e9nek helyes m\u0171k\u00f6d\u00e9s\u00e9hez k\u00e9rlek enged\u00e9lyezd a felugr\u00f3 ablakokat!":"For EduBase Quiz to work properly, please allow pop-ups!","Ezt \u00e1ltal\u00e1ban a jobb fels\u0151 sarokban tudod enged\u00e9lyezni, a c\u00edmsorban vagy egy \u00fajonnan megjelen\u0151 s\u00e1vban.":"Usually you can enable this in the upper right corner.","Minden elem t\u00f6r\u00f6lve.":"All items deleted.","A vissza\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1ssal elveszik az elemek sorrendje \u00e9s minden elem \u00fajra akt\u00edv lesz. Folytatod?":"The current order of the elements will be lost and every element will be active again. Continue?","V\u00e9gleges\u00edted foglal\u00e1sodat?":"Finalize your reservation?","V\u00e9g\u00f6sszeg: {total_price}":"Total: {total_price}","A k\u00f6vetkez\u0151 oldalon fizetheted be a jegy \u00e1r\u00e1t a kiv\u00e1lasztott fizet\u00e9si m\u00f3dszerrel, 48 \u00f3r\u00e1n bel\u00fcl!":"You can pay with the selected payment method within 48 hours on the next page!","A jobb \u00e9lm\u00e9ny\u00e9rt aj\u00e1nlott nagyobb eszk\u00f6z\u00f6n haszn\u00e1lni a Quiz rendszer\u00fcnket!":"It is recommended to use our Quiz system on a larger screen for a better user experience.","K\u00e9rd\u00e9s csoportok nem vonhat\u00f3k \u00f6ssze!":"Question batches cannot be ","K\u00e9rd\u00e9s csoport c\u00edme":"Title of question batch","Nem jel\u00f6lt\u00e9l ki k\u00e9rd\u00e9s csoportot!":"You have not selected any question batches!","Biztosan sz\u00e9tbontod a k\u00e9rd\u00e9s csoportot k\u00fcl\u00f6n\u00e1ll\u00f3 k\u00e9rd\u00e9sekre?":"Are you sure you want to split up the question batch into separate questions?","Biztosan el akarod t\u00e1vol\u00edtani a kijel\u00f6lt {selected} k\u00e9rd\u00e9st ebb\u0151l a k\u00e9rd\u00e9s csoportb\u00f3l?":["Are you sure you want to remove the selected {selected} question from the question batch?","Are you sure you want to remove the selected {selected} questions from the question batch?"],"Biztosan el akarod t\u00e1vol\u00edtani a kijel\u00f6lt {selected} elemet a szettb\u0151l?":["Are you sure you want to remove the selected {selected} item from the set?","Are you sure you want to remove the selected {selected} items from the set?"],"Biztosan lem\u00e1solod \u00e9s hozz\u00e1adod m\u00e9g egyszer ezt a k\u00e9rd\u00e9st a szetthez?":"Are you sure you want to duplicate and add this question to the set?","Biztosan el akarod t\u00e1vol\u00edtani a kijel\u00f6lt levelet?":["Are you sure you want to delete this message?","Are you sure you want to delete the {selected} selected messages?"],"Ezzel az \u00e9rt\u00e9kkel nem adhat\u00f3 hozz\u00e1 mez\u0151! El\u0151sz\u00f6r m\u00f3dos\u00edtsd a mez\u0151 \u00e9rt\u00e9k\u00e9t!":"You cannot add a field with this value! Change the value of the field.","R\u00e9szlegesen j\u00f3 v\u00e1lasz":"Partially correct answer","Csak olyan elemek helyezhet\u0151ek \u00e1t a kurzuson bel\u00fcl, melyekn\u00e9l a jobb oldali men\u00fcgomb nincsen elsz\u00fcrk\u00edtve.":"You can only move those elements inside the course, for which the right menu button is not gray.","A pirosan megjel\u00f6lt mez\u0151kbe helytelen\u00fcl \u00edrtad be az ellen\u0151rz\u0151 sz\u00f6veget<\/b>. K\u00e9rj\u00fck jav\u00edtsd a hib\u00e1t, majd pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra!":"You have entered incorrectly the text in the fields marked with red.<\/b> Fix it and try again please!","T\u00f6ltsd ki a piros sz\u00ednnel jel\u00f6lt mez\u0151ket<\/b> a folytat\u00e1s el\u0151tt!":"Fill in the fields marked with red<\/b> before continuing!","A bemutatkoz\u00f3 teszt ezen a nyelven most nem \u00e9rhet\u0151 el sajnos.":"Unfortunately, the intro test is not available now in this language.","Biztosan elt\u00e1vol\u00edtod ezt a kurzust?":"Are you sure you want to remove this course?","\u00dagy t\u0171nik, hogy a Quiz menet k\u00f6zben lez\u00e1rult \u00e9s \u00edgy a v\u00e1laszok m\u00e1r nem \u00e9rt\u00e9kelhet\u0151ek ki. Ilyen t\u00f6rt\u00e9nhet p\u00e9ld\u00e1ul, ha visszal\u00e9psz a teszt oldalra \u00e9s \u00fajra elk\u00fcld\u00f6d v\u00e1laszaidat.":"Quiz closed on the fly so answers can no longer be evaluated. This can happen if you go back in the quiz and resubmit your answers.","Egyszerre nem szerkeszt\u0151 egyszer\u0171 k\u00e9rd\u00e9s \u00e9s csoport is!":"You cannot edit a single question and a question group at the same time!","T\u00f6bb k\u00e9rd\u00e9s csoport nem szerkeszthet\u0151 egyszerre!":"Multiple question groups cannot be edited at the same time!","Biztosan vissza akarod vonni ezt a jogosults\u00e1got?":"Are you sure you want to revoke this permission?","kijel\u00f6lve":"selected","El\u00e9rted a be\u00e1ll\u00edtott limitet, t\u00f6bb teszt egyel\u0151re nem ind\u00edthat\u00f3 ezekkel a be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sokkal.":"You have reached the limit, so you can not start another test with these settings.","Egy m\u00e1sik teszt m\u00e1r folyamatban van egy nyitott ablakban. Z\u00e1rd be miel\u0151tt \u00fajat kezdhetn\u00e9l!":"A test has already been started in another window. Close it before starting a new one!","Egy m\u00e1sik teszt m\u00e1r folyamatban van. Szeretn\u00e9d lez\u00e1rni az el\u0151z\u0151t \u00e9s \u00fajat kezdeni ezekkel a be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sokkal?":"Another test has already been started. Do you want to close the previous test and start a new one with these settings?","Folytatod az el\u0151z\u0151 tesztet?":"Continue previous test?","A teszt inicializ\u00e1l\u00e1sa k\u00f6zben hiba t\u00f6rt\u00e9nt. Pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra vagy jelezd nek\u00fcnk a hib\u00e1t!":"There was an error while initializing the test. Please try again or contact us!","grafikon":"graph","Biztosan t\u00f6rl\u00f6d a kijel\u00f6lt elemeket a napl\u00f3b\u00f3l?":"Are you sure you want to remove the selected items from the log?","A m\u0171velet nem visszavonhat\u00f3!":"This can not be undone!","Biztosan elt\u00e1vol\u00edtod ezt a rendezv\u00e9nyt?":"Are you sure you want to remove this event?","nagy\u00edt\u00e1s":"zoom in","kicsiny\u00edt\u00e9s":"zoom out","Biztos elhagyod az oldalt? A nem mentett v\u00e1ltoz\u00e1sok elvesznek.":"Are you sure you want to leave? Unsaved changes will be lost.","Ha elind\u00edtod a pr\u00f3batesztet, elvesznek a nem mentett v\u00e1ltoz\u00e1sok. Folytatod?":"If you start testing, you will lose unsaved changes. Continue?","Nem fogadtad el az \u00e1ltal\u00e1nos szerz\u0151d\u00e9si felt\u00e9teleket<\/b> \u00e9s az adatv\u00e9delmi nyilatkozatot<\/b>!":"You have not accepted the General Terms and Conditions<\/b> and Privacy Policy<\/b>.","Enn\u00e9l a k\u00e9rd\u00e9sn\u00e9l ez a funkci\u00f3 nem haszn\u00e1lhat\u00f3!":"You cannot use this feature at this question!","N\u00e9h\u00e1ny v\u00e1laszod nem \u00e9ri el a minimum elv\u00e1rt hossz\u00fas\u00e1got. Jav\u00edtsd a hib\u00e1t, majd pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra!":"Some of your answers do not reach the minimum required length. Please write some more and try again!","A v\u00e1laszod nem \u00e9ri el a minimum elv\u00e1rt hossz\u00fas\u00e1got. Jav\u00edtsd a hib\u00e1t, majd pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra!":"Your answers does not reach the minimum required length. Please write some more and try again!","M\u00e9g nincs ki\u00e9rt\u00e9kelve":"Not yet reviewed","Nincs tal\u00e1lat.":"No match found.","Pr\u00f3b\u00e1lj meg m\u00e1s kulcsszavakat vagy t\u00f6r\u00f6ld a keres\u00e9st, hogy l\u00e1sd az \u00f6sszes elemet!":"Try changing the keywords or clear the search to show all contents.","Ok":"OK","Igen":"Yes","Nem":"No","K\u00fcld\u00e9s":"Send","M\u00e9gsem":"Cancel","Ment\u00e9s":"Save","A mapp\u00e1kat \u00e9s azok tartalm\u00e1t nem t\u00f6ltheted le \u00edgy!":"You cannot download folders and their contents this way.","Az indefinit megad\u00e1si m\u00f3d \u00e9s a c\u00edmk\u00e9zett v\u00e1laszmez\u0151k nem haszn\u00e1lhat\u00f3ak egyszerre!":"You cannot use indefinite input mode and tagged answer fields at the same time.","Biztos el akarod hagyni a tesztet?":"Are you sure you want to leave this test?","Biztosan sz\u00fcnetelteted a tesztet?":"Are you sure you want to pause the test?","A teszt most nem sz\u00fcneteltethet\u0151. Pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra!":"The test cannot be paused. Try again!","Biztosan befejezed a tesztet?":"Are you sure you want to close the test?","A teszt most nem z\u00e1rhat\u00f3 le. Pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra!":"The test cannot be closed now. Try again!","Ugr\u00e1s":"Jump","M\u00e9g nem t\u00f6lt\u00f6tt\u00e9l fel f\u00e1jlokat!":"You have not selected any files yet!","Szeretn\u00e9d visszavonni az \u00e9rt\u00e9kel\u00e9st?":"Do you want to withdraw the score?","Ezt k\u00f6vet\u0151en feloldhat\u00f3 a beadand\u00f3 vagy \u00faj \u00e9rt\u00e9kel\u00e9s is adhat\u00f3.":"You can unlock the submission or assign a new score after continuing.","Szeretn\u00e9d feloldani a beadand\u00f3t?":"Do you want to unlock this submission?","Ezut\u00e1n a felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3 m\u00f3dos\u00edthatja a f\u00e1jlokat vagy ak\u00e1r \u00fajakat is t\u00f6lthet fel.":"The user can modify files or even add new ones after unlocking.","Sikeresen let\u00f6ltve.":"Downloaded successfully.","Kapcsol\u00f3d\u00e1s a szerverhez...":"Connecting to the server...","Hangs\u00e1vok":"Audio tracks","Bet\u00f6lt\u00e9s":"Loading","Feliratok":"Closed captions","Bez\u00e1r\u00e1s":"Close","Teljes k\u00e9perny\u0151":"Fullscreen","Min\u0151s\u00e9g":"Quality","\u00c9l\u0151 k\u00f6zvet\u00edt\u00e9s":"Live broadcast","Tov\u00e1bb":"Next","Soron k\u00f6vetkez\u0151":"Next Up","Sz\u00fcnet":"Pause","Lej\u00e1tsz\u00e1s":"Play","Lej\u00e1tsz\u00e1s ind\u00edt\u00e1sa":"Start playback","Lej\u00e1tsz\u00e1si sebess\u00e9g":"Playback rates","Vissza":"Previous","10 m\u00e1sodperc vissza":"Rewind 10s","Be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sok":"Settings","Hanger\u0151":"Volume","A f\u00e9lk\u00f6v\u00e9rrel jel\u00f6lt adatok megad\u00e1sa k\u00f6telez\u0151<\/b>!":"Fields marked with bold are mandatory<\/b>.","Email c\u00edm":"Email address","A f\u00e1jl most pillanatnyilag nem t\u00f6lthet\u0151 fel. Pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra!":"The file could not be uploaded at the moment. Please try again.","M\u00e9g nem minden elem t\u00f6lt\u0151d\u00f6tt fel teljesen<\/b> a szerverre, v\u00e1rj\u00e1l kicsit!":"Some files are still being processed, please wait.","A k\u00e9rd\u00e9s nem export\u00e1lhat\u00f3, am\u00edg vannak nem mentett v\u00e1ltoz\u00e1sok!":"The question cannot be exported until current changes have been saved.","elem":["item","items"],"Nem jel\u00f6lt\u00e9l m\u00e9g ki feladatokat a teszthez.":"You haven't selected tasks for your test yet.","Folytatod ezek n\u00e9lk\u00fcl?":"Continue without them?","\u00dagy t\u0171nik nincsen jogosults\u00e1god l\u00e9trehozni a tesztet. Pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra vagy vedd fel vel\u00fcnk a kapcsolatot!":"It seems like you don't have permission to create a test. Try again or contact us!","Teszt l\u00e9trehoz\u00e1sa...":"Creating test...","A teszt pillanatnyilag nem hozhat\u00f3 l\u00e9tre. Pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra!":"Test cannot be created at the moment. Please try again!","K\u00e9rd\u00e9sek hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa...":"Adding questions...","K\u00e9rd\u00e9sek sorba rendez\u00e9se...":"Sorting questions...","Egy\u00e9ni be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sok ment\u00e9se...":"Saving custom settings...","\u00daj csoport kialak\u00edt\u00e1sa...":"Creating new class...","\u00daj csoport pillanatnyilag nem hozhat\u00f3 l\u00e9tre. Pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra!":"New class cannot be created at the moment. Please try again!","Csoportok ellen\u0151rz\u00e9se...":"Checking classes...","Teszt megoszt\u00e1sa...":"Sharing test...","A teszt pillanatnyilag nem oszthat\u00f3 meg. Pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra!":"Test cannot be shared at the moment. Please try again!","Megh\u00edv\u00f3k k\u00fcld\u00e9se...":"Sending invitations...","A csoport megh\u00edv\u00f3k pillanatnyilag nem k\u00fcldhet\u0151k ki. Pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra!":"Class invitations cannot be sent at the moment. Please try again!","\u00c1tir\u00e1ny\u00edt\u00e1s...":"Redirecting...","A k\u00e9r\u00e9s feldolgoz\u00e1sa k\u00f6zben nem v\u00e1rt hiba t\u00f6rt\u00e9nt.":"There was an unexpected error while processing your request.","Ha kateg\u00f3ri\u00e1t v\u00e1ltasz, akkor elvesznek a kijel\u00f6l\u00e9sek. Folytatod?":"You will lose your selections if you change category. Continue?","Biztosan el akarod hagyni az oldalt?":"Are you sure you want to leave this page?","Maradtak kijel\u00f6lt, de a teszthez nem hozz\u00e1adott feladatok.":"There are selected questions which are not added to the test.","El\u0151k\u00e9sz\u00edt\u00e9s...":"Preparing...","Szeretn\u00e9d elind\u00edtani a k\u00f6vetkez\u0151 tesztet?":"Do you want to start this test?","Biztosan megjel\u00f6l\u00f6d megv\u00e1laszoltnak a kijel\u00f6lt elemeket?":"Are you sure you want to mark selected items as done?","Az EduBase csak a 16. \u00e9let\u00e9v bet\u00f6lt\u00e9s\u00e9t k\u00f6vet\u0151en vagy a gondvisel\u0151 \u00edr\u00e1sbeli hozz\u00e1j\u00e1rul\u00e1s\u00e1val lehets\u00e9ges.":"EduBase is only available over the age of 16 or with the written consent of the legal representative.","A teszt ind\u00edt\u00e1s\u00e1hoz m\u00e9g n\u00e9h\u00e1ny adatot meg kell adni!":"Please fill out all required fields before starting the test.","Link nem gener\u00e1lhat\u00f3 ezekkel az adatokkal.":"Link could not be generated with these parameters.","Egyik sem":"None","Az \u00fajranyit\u00e1s lehet\u0151v\u00e9 teszi, hogy a kit\u00f6lt\u0151 folytassa a tesztet.":"Reopening allows the examinee to continue the test.","Nem adt\u00e1l meg megold\u00e1st. Folytatod?":"You have not entered any answers. Do you want to continue?","A teszt \u00e1llapota nem menthet\u0151!":"Test status could not be saved.","Biztons\u00e1gi okokb\u00f3l az oldal most \u00fajra fog t\u00f6lteni.":"For safety reasons, the page will now reload.","Megjegyz\u00e9s":"Notes","van":"yes","nincs!":"no!","\u00c1tvizsg\u00e1ltad a megjel\u00f6lt k\u00e9rd\u00e9seket \u00e9s szeretn\u00e9d lez\u00e1rni a k\u00e9relmet?":"You have checked the selected questions and want to close the request?","A felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3t emailben fogjuk \u00e9rtes\u00edteni.":"We will notify the user via email.","Biztosan ki akarod venni ezt az elemet a csoportb\u00f3l?":"Are you sure you want to exclude this item from the group?","A tesztek most nem \u00e9rt\u00e9kelhet\u0151ek ki!":"Tests cannot be evaluated right now.","N\u00e9h\u00e1ny teszt most nem \u00e9rt\u00e9kelhet\u0151 ki. Pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra!":"Some of the tests could not be evaluated right now. Try again.","T\u00f6rl\u00e9s folyamatban...":"Delete in progress...","Bel\u00e9ptet\u00e9s folyamatban...":"Logging in...","C\u00edm":"Title","Alc\u00edm":"Subtitle","Le\u00edr\u00e1s":"Description","Hiba":"Error","K\u00f3d":"Code","Alap\u00e9rtelmezett":"Default","A k\u00e9p most nem t\u00f6lthet\u0151 fel":"The picture cannot be uploaded","A seg\u00e9danyagok let\u00f6lt\u00e9se \u00e9s tanulm\u00e1nyoz\u00e1sa<\/b> k\u00f6telez\u0151 a teszt megkezd\u00e9se el\u0151tt!":"The helping materials have to be downloaded and studied<\/b> before starting the test.","El\u0151sz\u00f6r t\u00f6ltsd le \u00e9s tanulm\u00e1nyozd az \u00f6sszes seg\u00e9danyagot!":"First, download and study all the materials!","\u00dajra\u00e9rt\u00e9kel\u00e9s folyamatban...":"Re-evaluation in progress...","Az \u00fajra\u00e9rt\u00e9kel\u00e9s sikeresen befejez\u0151d\u00f6tt<\/b>.":"The re-evaluation<\/b> has been successfully<\/b> completed<\/b>.","Biztosan megism\u00e9tled a tesztet?":"Are you sure you want to try again?","Biztosan el akarod t\u00e1vol\u00edtani ezt az integr\u00e1ci\u00f3t?":"Are you sure you want to remove this integration?","Ezt k\u00f6vet\u0151en az LMS tagjai m\u00e1r nem fognak hozz\u00e1f\u00e9rni ezen kereszt\u00fcl az EduBase rendszer\u00e9hez.":"After this, LMS members will not be able to access EduBase through your platform.","Biztosan ki akarod hagyni az \u00fatmutat\u00f3nkat?":"Are you sure you want to skip the tutorial?","Csak egy elemet adt\u00e1l. A helyes sorrendet a v\u00e1laszmez\u0151kkel kell megadnod!":"You have only added one element. You must specify the correct order with the answer fields!","Nem jel\u00f6lt\u00e9l ki szerkesztend\u0151 k\u00e9rd\u00e9st.":"You have not selected questions you want to edit.","Biztosan el akarod t\u00e1vol\u00edtani a kijel\u00f6lt {selected} k\u00e9rd\u00e9st?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected {selected} question?","Are you sure you want to delete the selected {selected} questions?"],"Mapp\u00e1k t\u00f6rl\u00e9se eset\u00e9n minden benne tal\u00e1lhat\u00f3 k\u00e9rd\u00e9s is t\u00f6rl\u0151dik!":"In case of groups, all the contained questions will be deleted as well!","A mapp\u00e1n bel\u00fcl tal\u00e1lhat\u00f3 \u00f6sszes k\u00e9rd\u00e9s is t\u00f6r\u00f6lve lesz!":"All questions in the group will be deleted as well!","Ezzel a fi\u00f3kkal a teszt most nem t\u00f6lthet\u0151 ki.":"The test cannot be started with this account.","A felt\u00f6lt\u00e9s k\u00f6zben nem v\u00e1rt hiba t\u00f6rt\u00e9nt!":"There was an unexpected error during the upload.","Ez a f\u00e1jlt\u00edpus nem enged\u00e9lyezett!":"This file type is not allowed!","Biztosan el akarod t\u00e1vol\u00edtani a kijel\u00f6lt {selected} szervezeti egys\u00e9get?":["Are you sure you want to remove the selected {selected} departments?","Are you sure you want to remove the selected {selected} departments?"],"Biztosan el akarod t\u00e1vol\u00edtani ezt a szervezeti egys\u00e9get?":"Are you sure you want to remove this department?","Biztosan elt\u00e1vol\u00edtod ezt a szervezetet?":"Are you sure you want to remove this organization?","Csak a nem menedzselt felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3k t\u00f6r\u00f6lhet\u0151k a szervezetb\u0151l!":"You can only remove non-managed accounts from the organization.","Biztosan el akarod t\u00e1vol\u00edtani a kijel\u00f6lt {selected} tagot a szervezetb\u0151l?":["Are you sure you want to remove the selected {selected} user from the organization?","Are you sure you want to remove the selected {selected} users from the organization?"],"Biztosan szeretn\u00e9l \u00faj jelsz\u00f3t k\u00e9rni ennek a felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3nak?":"Are you sure you want to request a new password for this user?","Biztosan el akarod t\u00e1vol\u00edtani ezt a tagot a szervezetb\u0151l?":"Are you sure you want to remove this member from the organization?","Biztosan j\u00f3v\u00e1hagyod ezt a kommentet?":"Are you sure you want to approve this comment?","Ki":"Off","Log\u00f3":"Logo","Kil\u00e9p\u00e9s a teljes k\u00e9perny\u0151s m\u00f3db\u00f3l":"Exit Fullscreen","Visszaj\u00e1tsz\u00e1s":"Not Live","Hanger\u0151 szab\u00e1lyoz\u00e1sa":"Volume Slider","N\u00e9m\u00edt\u00e1s":"Mute","N\u00e9m\u00edt\u00e1s kikapcsol\u00e1sa":"Unmute","Vide\u00f3 inform\u00e1ci\u00f3k":"About This Video","Szolg\u00e1ltat\u00f3:":"Powered by","Hibak\u00f3d":"Error code","A k\u00f6zvet\u00edt\u00e9s meg\u00e1llt vagy nem el\u00e9rhet\u0151.":"The live stream is either down or has ended.","A vide\u00f3 most nem j\u00e1tszhat\u00f3 le.":"This video file cannot be played.","A lej\u00e1tsz\u00e1s sor\u00e1n technikai hiba l\u00e9pett fel.":"This video cannot be played because of a technical error.","A vide\u00f3 nem j\u00e1tszhat\u00f3 le h\u00e1l\u00f3zati okokb\u00f3l. Ellen\u0151rizd az internet el\u00e9r\u00e9sedet!":"This video cannot be played because of a problem with your internet connection.","A lej\u00e1tsz\u00f3 nem t\u00f6lthet\u0151 be.":"Sorry, the video player failed to load.","A vide\u00f3 nem j\u00e1tszhat\u00f3 le ebben a b\u00f6ng\u00e9sz\u0151ben.":"The video cannot be played in this browser.","Biztosan \u00fajra el akarod k\u00fcldeni ezt a megh\u00edv\u00f3t a megadott c\u00edmre?":"Are you sure you want to resend the invitation to this address?","Biztosan vissza akarod vonni ezt a megh\u00edv\u00f3t?":"Are you sure you want to invalidate this coupon?","Biztosan vissza akarod vonni a kijel\u00f6lt {selected} megh\u00edv\u00f3t?":["Are you sure you want to invalidate this {selected} invitation?","Are you sure you want to invalidate these {selected} invitations?"],"\u00fajrak\u00fcldve":"re-sent","El kell fogadnod a nyilatkozatot!":"You have to accept the agreement first.","Ugyanannyi c\u00e9l\u00e9rt\u00e9k blokkot adj meg, mint amennyi v\u00e1ltoz\u00f3t defini\u00e1lt\u00e1l!":"Define the same number of \"target values\" blocks as variables!","Csatlakozz az internethez \u00e9s pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra!":"Connect to the internet and try again.","Nincs internet kapcsolat":"No internet connection","Biztosan el akarod t\u00e1vol\u00edtani a kijel\u00f6lt {selected} alkalmat a csoportb\u00f3l?":["Are you sure you want to remove the selected {selected} event from the class?","Are you sure you want to remove the selected {selected} events from the class?"],"Minden r\u00f6gz\u00edtett jelenl\u00e9t is t\u00f6r\u00f6lve lesz!":"All registered presence will also be deleted.","Biztosan el akarod t\u00e1vol\u00edtani ezt az alkalmat a csoportb\u00f3l?":"Are you sure you want to remove this event from the class?","Megnyit\u00e1s \u00faj lapon":"Open in a new tab","A m\u00e9dia szerverek jelenleg nem el\u00e9rhet\u0151ek<\/b> vagy konfigur\u00e1ci\u00f3s hiba l\u00e9pett fel, pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld meg friss\u00edteni<\/a> az oldalt!":"Media servers are unreachable<\/b> or a configuration error occured. Please try refreshing<\/a> the page.","Ez a m\u0171velet t\u00f6rli a vide\u00f3s gyors\u00edt\u00f3t\u00e1rat. Ad\u00e1s k\u00f6zben nem aj\u00e1nlott!":"This procedure will clear video caches. This is not recommended during broadcasting!","Ugyanannyi egyedi pont\u00e9rt\u00e9ket adj meg, mint amennyi v\u00e1laszt defini\u00e1lt\u00e1l!":"Enter the same amount of points as the number of answers you defined!","A b\u00f6ng\u00e9sz\u0151d nem t\u00e1mogatja a drag'n'drop felt\u00f6lt\u00e9st.":"Your browser does not support drag'n'drop file uploads.","Felt\u00f6lt\u00e9s megszak\u00edtva.":"Upload canceled.","Biztosan lem\u00e1solod ezt a k\u00e9rd\u00e9st?":"Are you sure you want to duplicate this question?","\u00dagy t\u0171nik, hogy a b\u00f6ng\u00e9sz\u0151d nem t\u00e1mogatja a s\u00fctiket<\/b> vagy azok le vannak tiltva<\/b>.":"It seems that your browser does not support cookies<\/b> or it is disabled<\/b>.","S\u00fctik n\u00e9lk\u00fcl a bejelentkez\u00e9s \u00e9s az oldal legt\u00f6bb funkci\u00f3ja nem fog m\u0171k\u00f6dni!":"Without cookies, login and most features will not work.","Ha nem m\u0171k\u00f6dne, pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld meg m\u00e1sik b\u00f6ng\u00e9sz\u0151vel<\/b> vagy enged\u00e9lyezd a s\u00fctiket<\/b>!":"If it does not work please again with a different browser<\/b> or allow cookies<\/b> on this website.","Szeretn\u00e9k bel\u00e9pni<\/b> az oldalra":"I would like to login<\/b>","Nincs egyez\u00e9s.":"No matches.","Pr\u00f3b\u00e1lj meg m\u00e1s sz\u0171r\u0151ket vagy kapcsold ki mindet, hogy l\u00e1sd az \u00f6sszes elemet!":"Try with different filters or turn them off to see all items.","Biztosan vissza akarod vonni a lej\u00e1ratot?":"Are you sure you want to cancel the expiry?","Ezt k\u00f6vet\u0151en a tags\u00e1g nem fog automatikusan lej\u00e1rni.":"Then this membership will not expire automatically.","Biztosan archiv\u00e1lod ezt a felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3t?":"Are you sure you want to archive this user?","Nem v\u00e1lasztott\u00e1l ki egy EduBase fi\u00f3kot sem!":"Please select an EduBase account first.","Biztosan szeretn\u00e9d t\u00f6r\u00f6lni a s\u00fctiket?":"Are you sure you want to delete the cookies?","Elk\u00e9pzelhet\u0151, hogy \u00fajra be kell majd jelentkezned!":"You may have to login again.","Sajnos teszt nem ind\u00edthat\u00f3 most.":"Unfortunately the test could not be started.","Pr\u00f3b\u00e1lj meg kijelentkezni majd \u00fajra bel\u00e9pni, s\u00fctiket t\u00f6r\u00f6lni vagy m\u00e1sik eszk\u00f6zt\/b\u00f6ng\u00e9sz\u0151t<\/b>!":"Try to log out and in again, clear cookies or use another device\/browser<\/b>.","Pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld meg \u00fajra vagy vedd fel vel\u00fcnk a kapcsolatot!":"Try again or contact us.","Sajnos a teszt ind\u00edt\u00e1sa k\u00f6zben nem v\u00e1rt hiba t\u00f6rt\u00e9nt.":"There was an unexpected error while starting the test.","{precision} tizedesjegy":["{precision} decimal digit","{precision} decimal digits"],"Csak kit\u00f6lt\u00f6tt Quizek jel\u00f6lhet\u0151ek meg!":"Only completed Quizzes can be marked!","\u00dagy t\u0171nik valami probl\u00e9ma akadt a b\u00f6ng\u00e9sz\u0151ddel<\/b>.":"There seems to be a problem with your browser<\/b>.","Pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld meg t\u00f6r\u00f6lni az oldalhoz tartoz\u00f3 s\u00fctiket!":"Try clearing the website cookies first.","S\u00fctik t\u00f6rl\u00e9se":"Clear EduBase cookies","A param\u00e9terek nevei az angol ABC bet\u0171ivel kezd\u0151dhetnek, ezen k\u00edv\u00fcl csak sz\u00e1mokat \u00e9s al\u00e1h\u00faz\u00e1s karaktereket tartalmazhatnak!":"Parameter names should start with a letter and may only contain English letters, numbers and underscore characters.","A tov\u00e1bbi tartalmak most nem t\u00f6lthet\u0151ek be. Pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra!":"More contents could not be loaded. Try again.","id\u0151z\u00edtve":"scheduled","Legfeljebb {count} k\u00e9rd\u00e9s vonhat\u00f3 \u00f6ssze egy csoportt\u00e1!":"Maximum {count} questions can be grouped together!","Legfeljebb {count} k\u00e9rd\u00e9s lehet egy k\u00e9rd\u00e9s csoportban!":"A group can only contain {count} questions within!","A tan\u00fas\u00edtv\u00e1ny ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sa ut\u00e1n m\u00e1r nem lesz lehet\u0151s\u00e9ged fel\u00fclvizsg\u00e1latot k\u00e9rni. Biztosan folytatod?":"After issuing the certificate, you will not be able to request revision. Do you want to continue?","A megadott email c\u00edm hib\u00e1s.":"The provided email address is incorrect.","Nem tal\u00e1lhat\u00f3 mentett \u00e1ll\u00e1s.":"No saved state was found.","\u00dagy t\u0171nik az ablak ism\u00e9telten nem nyithat\u00f3 meg. Az oldal \u00fajrat\u00f6lt\u00e9se megoldhatja a probl\u00e9m\u00e1t. Megpr\u00f3b\u00e1lod?":"It seems the window cannot be opened multiple times. Do you want to reload the page and try again?","Nincs tal\u00e1lat:":"No results found:","Csak \u00fcres mapp\u00e1k t\u00f6r\u00f6lhet\u0151ek<\/b>!":"Only empty folders can be removed.<\/b>","Biztosan archiv\u00e1lod ezt a vizsg\u00e1t?":"Are you sure you want to archive this exam?","Ezt k\u00f6vet\u0151en a vizsga elt\u0171nik a list\u00e1kb\u00f3l.":"It will not be shown in lists and content selectors.","Biztosan \u00fajra\u00e9rt\u00e9keled az \u00f6sszes befejezett eredm\u00e9nyt?":"Are you sure you want to re-evaluate all completed results?","A m\u0171velet eltarthat egy kis ideig.":"The operation may take a while.","Pontok":"Points","\u00f6sszesen: {points} pont":["total: {points} point","total: {points} points"],"Ha most friss\u00edted az ablakot, minden nem mentett m\u00f3dos\u00edt\u00e1s elveszik.":"If you reload the window, all unsaved changes will be lost.","Biztosan friss\u00edted?":"Are you sure you want to refresh it?","Ha most megnyitsz egy m\u00e1sik ablakot, minden nem mentett m\u00f3dos\u00edt\u00e1s elveszik.":"If you open another window, all unsaved changes will be lost.","Biztosan megnyitod?":"Are you sure you want to open it?","Ha most bez\u00e1rod az ablakot, minden nem mentett m\u00f3dos\u00edt\u00e1s elveszik.":"If you close the window, all your unsaved changes will be lost.","Biztosan bez\u00e1rod?":"Are you sure you want to close it?","Biztosan archiv\u00e1lod ezt a szettet?":"Are you sure you want to archive this Quiz set?","Jelentkez\u00e9sedet r\u00f6gz\u00edtett\u00fck.":"You have successfully signed up.","Szeretn\u00e9d lez\u00e1rni a beadand\u00f3t?":"Do you want to close this submission?","Ezut\u00e1n a felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3 m\u00e1r nem m\u00f3dos\u00edthatja a f\u00e1jlokat \u00e9s nem t\u00f6lthet \u00fajakat sem, illetve \u00fajra el\u00e9rhet\u0151v\u00e9 v\u00e1lik az \u00e9rt\u00e9kel\u0151 fel\u00fclet.":"The user cannot modify files nor upload new ones after closing. You will also be able to access the grading form again.","Lila":"Purple","Fekete":"Black","Sz\u00fcrke":"Gray","Feh\u00e9r":"White","Piros":"Red","K\u00e9k":"Blue","S\u00e1rga":"Yellow","Z\u00f6ld":"Green","Vil\u00e1gossz\u00fcrke":"Light gray","Biztosan t\u00f6rl\u00f6d ezt a sablont?":"Are you sure you want to delete this preset?","Haszn\u00e1ld a felki\u00e1lt\u00f3jeles gombot a megjel\u00f6lt k\u00e9rd\u00e9sek \u00e1tn\u00e9z\u00e9s\u00e9re!":"Use the button with the exclamation mark to review marked questions at any time.","\u00c1tn\u00e9z\u00e9sre megjel\u00f6lve: {review}":"Marked for review: {review}","Ez a funkci\u00f3 csak a munk\u00e1dat seg\u00edti, a jel\u00f6l\u00e9seket az EduBase nem menti.":"This only helps you complete the test, marks will not be saved in EduBase.","Automatikus":"Auto","A v\u00e9dett tartalom nem j\u00e1tszhat\u00f3 le.":"There was a problem providing access to protected content.","K\u00f6vetkez\u0151 lej\u00e1tsz\u00e1sa xx m\u00e1sodpercen bel\u00fcl":"Next up in xx","Kapcsol\u00f3d\u00f3 vide\u00f3k":"More Videos","Lej\u00e1tsz\u00e1s \u00fajra":"Replay","M\u00e1solva":"Copied","Email":"Email","Be\u00e1gyaz\u00e1s":"Embed","Megoszt\u00e1s":"Share","Link":"Link","Hangosabban":"Increase Volume","Teljes k\u00e9perny\u0151s m\u00f3d":"Fullscreen\/Exit Fullscreen","Halkabban":"Decrease Volume","Gyorsbillenty\u0171k":"Keyboard Shortcuts","Ind\u00edt\u00e1s\/Meg\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s":"Play\/Pause","Teker\u00e9s vissza":"Seek Backward","Teker\u00e9s el\u0151re":"Seek Forward","Teker\u00e9s %":"Seek %","SPACE":"SPACE","Teker\u00e9s":"Seek Slider","Le\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s":"Stop","Csatlakozt\u00e1l a csoporthoz.":"You have joined the class.","Biztosan elt\u00e1vol\u00edtod ezeket a leveleket?":"Are you sure you want to remove these mails?","Ez \u00f6sszesen {count} levelet \u00e9rint.":["This affects a total of {count} letter.","This affects a total of {count} letters."],"opci\u00f3 kiv\u00e1laszt\u00e1sa":"select option","opci\u00f3k kiv\u00e1laszt\u00e1sa":"select options","Biztosan el akarod t\u00e1vol\u00edtani a kijel\u00f6lt {selected} rendszerez\u00e9si elemet?":["Are you sure you want to remove the selected {selected} class group?","Are you sure you want to remove the selected {selected} class groups?"],"Biztosan el akarod t\u00e1vol\u00edtani ezt a rendszerez\u00e9si elemet?":"Are you sure you want to remove this class group?","Biztosan el akarod t\u00e1vol\u00edtani a kijel\u00f6lt {selected} esem\u00e9nyt a csoportb\u00f3l?":["Are you sure you want to remove the selected {selected} event from the class?","Are you sure you want to remove the selected {selected} events from the class?"],"Biztosan el akarod t\u00e1vol\u00edtani ezt az esem\u00e9nyt a csoportb\u00f3l?":"Are you sure you want to remove this event from the class?","Ezzel csak helytelennek jel\u00f6l\u00f6d az opci\u00f3t, a helyes v\u00e1laszt tov\u00e1bbra is meg kell adnod!":"This only marks the option incorrect, you should still select the correct answer.","Ez a funkci\u00f3 csak a munk\u00e1dat seg\u00edti, a helytelen jel\u00f6l\u00e9seket az EduBase nem menti.":"This only helps you complete the test, options marked incorrect will not be saved in EduBase.","Biztosan \u00e1t akarod ruh\u00e1zni a csoportot erre a felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3ra?":"Are you sure you want to transfer the ownership of this class to this user?","Biztosan \u00e1t akarod ruh\u00e1zni a kurzust erre a felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3ra?":"Are you sure you want to transfer the ownership of this course to this user?","Biztosan \u00e1t akarod ruh\u00e1zni a rendezv\u00e9nyt erre a felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3ra?":"Are you sure you want to transfer the ownership of this event to this user?","Biztosan \u00e1t akarod ruh\u00e1zni a vizsg\u00e1t erre a felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3ra?":"Are you sure you want to transfer the ownership of this exam to this user?","Biztosan \u00e1t akarod ruh\u00e1zni a Quiz szettet erre a felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3ra?":"Are you sure you want to transfer the ownership of this Quiz set to this user?","Biztosan \u00e1t akarod ruh\u00e1zni a vide\u00f3t erre a felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3ra?":"Are you sure you want to transfer the ownership of this video to this user?","Biztosan \u00e1t akarod ruh\u00e1zni az integr\u00e1ci\u00f3t erre a felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3ra?":"Are you sure you want to transfer the ownership of this integration to this user?","Biztosan \u00e1t akarod ruh\u00e1zni a szervezetet erre a felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3ra?":"Are you sure you want to transfer the ownership of this organization to this user?","Biztosan el akarod t\u00e1vol\u00edtani ezt az esem\u00e9nyt?":"Are you sure you want to remove this event?","Szeretn\u00e9l egyedi \u00e9rtes\u00edt\u00e9si c\u00edmet be\u00e1ll\u00edtani?":"Would you like to set a custom notification address?","Ezt k\u00f6vet\u0151en minden email \u00e9rtes\u00edt\u00e9st erre a c\u00edmre fogsz kapni.":"You will then receive all email notifications to this address.","A megadott email c\u00edm form\u00e1tuma nem megfelel\u0151!":"The email address you entered is not in the correct format.","Emailben kapott meger\u0151s\u00edt\u0151 k\u00f3d":"Email confirmation code","Sikeresen be\u00e1ll\u00edtottuk az \u00e9rtes\u00edt\u00e9si email c\u00edmet.":"The notification email address has been successfully set.","Vissza\u00e1ll\u00edtod a fi\u00f3khoz tartoz\u00f3 email c\u00edmet, mint \u00e9rtes\u00edt\u00e9si c\u00edm?":"Would you like to reset your primary email address as the notification address?","Sikeresen vissza\u00e1ll\u00edtottuk az \u00e9rtes\u00edt\u00e9si email c\u00edmet.":"Your notification email address has been reset.","M\u00e1r feliratkozt\u00e1l ezzel a b\u00f6ng\u00e9sz\u0151vel.":"You have already subscribed with this browser.","enged\u00e9lyezve (ez a b\u00f6ng\u00e9sz\u0151)":"active (this browser)","Sikeresen feliratkozt\u00e1l az \u00e9rtes\u00edt\u00e1sekre b\u00f6ng\u00e9sz\u0151ddel!":"You have successfully subscribsced to notifications with your browser.","Nem vagy feliratkozva ezzel a b\u00f6ng\u00e9sz\u0151vel.":"You have not yet subscribed with this browser.","nincs enged\u00e9lyezve (ez a b\u00f6ng\u00e9sz\u0151)":"inactive (this browser)","Sikeresen leiratkozt\u00e1l ezzel a b\u00f6ng\u00e9sz\u0151vel.":"You have successfully unsubscribed with this browser.","Biztosan visszavonod az \u00f6sszes b\u00f6ng\u00e9sz\u0151 \u00e9rtes\u00edt\u00e9s feliratkoz\u00e1sodat?":"Are you sure you want to unsubscribe from notifications with all your browsers?","nincs enged\u00e9lyezve":"inactive","Sikeresen leiratkozt\u00e1l a b\u00f6ng\u00e9sz\u0151 \u00e9rtes\u00edt\u00e9sekr\u0151l.":"You have successfully unsubscribed from browser notifications.","Biztosan archiv\u00e1lod ezt a csoportot?":"Are you sure you want to archive this class?","Ezt k\u00f6vet\u0151en a csoport elt\u0171nik a list\u00e1kb\u00f3l.":"It will not be shown in lists and content selectors.","A vide\u00f3kurzus tanulm\u00e1nyoz\u00e1sa<\/b> k\u00f6telez\u0151 a teszt megkezd\u00e9se el\u0151tt!":"The video course has to be watched<\/b> before starting the test.","A vide\u00f3 tanulm\u00e1nyoz\u00e1sa<\/b> k\u00f6telez\u0151 a teszt megkezd\u00e9se el\u0151tt!":"The video has to be watched<\/b> before starting the test.","El\u0151sz\u00f6r tanulm\u00e1nyozd a vide\u00f3kurzust!":"You have to watch the video course first.","El\u0151sz\u00f6r tanulm\u00e1nyozd a vide\u00f3t!":"You have to watch the video first.","Csak befejezett, k\u00f6zz\u00e9t\u00e9telre v\u00e1r\u00f3 feladatlapok lesznek j\u00f3v\u00e1hagyva!":"Only completed tests awaiting publication can be approved!","Biztosan j\u00f3v\u00e1 akarod hagyni a kijel\u00f6lt {selected} feladatlapot?":["Are you sure you want to approve the selected {selected} test?","Are you sure you want to approve the selected {selected} tests?"],"Biztosan j\u00f3v\u00e1hagyod ezt a feladatlapot?":"Are you sure you approve this test?","A tan\u00fas\u00edtv\u00e1ny let\u00f6lt\u00e9si linket kik\u00fcldt\u00fck a megadott email c\u00edmre.":"The certificate download link has been sent to the user provided email address.","Most m\u00e1r friss\u00edtheted ezt a b\u00f6ng\u00e9sz\u0151ablakot!":"Now you can refresh the browser window.","Pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld meg m\u00e1sik b\u00f6ng\u00e9sz\u0151vel, nem inkognit\u00f3 m\u00f3dban vagy m\u00e1sik eszk\u00f6z\u00f6n!":"Try again using a different browser, without incognito mode or another device.","rejtett":"hidden","l\u00e1that\u00f3":"visible","Az \u0171rlap hib\u00e1s. Jav\u00edtsd el\u0151sz\u00f6r, majd pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra!":"You have an error on the form. Fix first, then try again.","Az \u0171rlapon hib\u00e1k tal\u00e1lhat\u00f3ak. Jav\u00edtsd el\u0151sz\u00f6r, majd pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra!":"There are errors on the form. Fix them first, then try again.","Add meg az \u00faj jelsz\u00f3t<\/b> vagy hagyd \u00fcresen egy automatikusan gener\u00e1lt jelsz\u00f3hoz<\/b> (amit emailben kap meg a felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3):":"Enter the new password<\/b> or leave it blank to generate one automatically<\/b> (and send it via email to the user):","Jelsz\u00f3 sikeresen megv\u00e1ltoztatva!":"Password successfully changed.","A f\u00e1jl felt\u00f6lt\u00e9se k\u00f6zben nem v\u00e1rt hiba t\u00f6rt\u00e9nt. Pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra!":"An unexpected error occurred while uploading the file. Try again.","Sikeres felt\u00f6lt\u00e9s!":"Successful file upload.","A f\u00e1jlt hamarosan feldolgozzuk<\/b> \u00e9s onnant\u00f3l kezdve szabadon haszn\u00e1lhatod az oldalon bel\u00fcl.":"The file will be processed soon<\/b> and then you will be able to use it throughout the website.","Az \u00e1llapotr\u00f3l a vide\u00f3 kezel\u00e9se oldalon t\u00e1j\u00e9koz\u00f3dhatsz!":"You can find out more about the current status on the video manager page.","Oldal friss\u00edt\u00e9se":"Refresh page","Airplay":"Airplay","Vide\u00f3 megtekint\u00e9se":"Watch video","M\u00e9g n\u00e9h\u00e1ny felt\u00e9tel nem teljes\u00fclt a tov\u00e1bbl\u00e9p\u00e9shez. Jav\u00edtsd, majd pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra!":"Some criteria are not met. Fix them before proceeding.","Id\u0151":"Time","N\u00e9h\u00e1ny mez\u0151 \u00e9rt\u00e9ke nem egyedi, a bejel\u00f6lt mez\u0151k k\u00f6z\u00fcl!":"Some fields are not unique. Please check and correct marked fields.","A megadott telefonsz\u00e1m hib\u00e1s.":"The phone number you entered is incorrect.","Emailben kapott meger\u0151s\u00edt\u0151 k\u00f3d megad\u00e1sa":"Enter the confirmation code received by email","Elk\u00fcldj\u00fck az email c\u00edmedre ism\u00e9telten a k\u00f3dot?":"Should we send the code to your email address again?","A megadott k\u00f3d hib\u00e1s, pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra!":"The code you entered is incorrect, please try again!","SMS \u00fczenetben kapott meger\u0151s\u00edt\u0151 k\u00f3d megad\u00e1sa":"Enter the confirmation code received via SMS message","Elk\u00fcldj\u00fck a telefonsz\u00e1modra ism\u00e9telten a k\u00f3dot?":"Should we send the code to your phone number again?","Biztosan aktiv\u00e1lod ezt a fi\u00f3kot?":"Are you sure you want to activate this account?","Az \u00faj jelsz\u00f3t a fi\u00f3khoz tartoz\u00f3 email c\u00edmre vagy telefonsz\u00e1mra k\u00fcldj\u00fck el.":"The new password will be sent to the email address or phone number associated with the account.","Az EduBase Asszisztens m\u00e1r olvassa a tartalmadat \u00e9s gener\u00e1lja a k\u00e9rd\u00e9seket.":"The EduBase Assistant is already reading your content and generating questions.","A folyamat eltarthat ak\u00e1r n\u00e9h\u00e1ny percig is!":"This process can take up to a few minutes!","Nem siker\u00fclt most feladatokat gener\u00e1lni. Pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra vagy adj meg m\u00e1sik sz\u00f3cikket!":"Unable to generate tasks now. Try again or enter another article!","Bel\u00e9ptet\u0151 link":"Automatic login link","Kattints a dobozra a v\u00e1g\u00f3lapra m\u00e1sol\u00e1s<\/b>hoz!":"Click on the box to copy to clipboard<\/b>.","A teszthez sz\u00fcks\u00e9ges bel\u00e9ptet\u0151 linket \u00e9s inform\u00e1ci\u00f3kat<\/b> elk\u00fcldt\u00fck a megadott email c\u00edmre<\/b>!":"The access link and information<\/b> for the test have been sent to the provided email address<\/b>!","Nem siker\u00fclt most feladatokat gener\u00e1lni. Pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra!":"Unable to generate tasks now. Try again!","A vide\u00f3t nem siker\u00fclt bet\u00f6lteni. Pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra!":"The video failed to load. Please try again!","A k\u00e9rd\u00e9sek gener\u00e1l\u00e1sa tov\u00e1bb tart mint \u00e1ltal\u00e1ban. Hamarosan v\u00e9gez az EduBase Asszisztens \u00e9s emailben elk\u00fcldi a kipr\u00f3b\u00e1l\u00e1shoz sz\u00fcks\u00e9ges inform\u00e1ci\u00f3kat!":"Generating questions takes longer than usual. EduBase Assistant will finish soon and an email will be sent to you with all the details to try the new test.","Gratul\u00e1lunk<\/b>! Teljes\u00edtetted a tananyagot. Vissza szeretn\u00e9l t\u00e9rni a csoportba?":"Congratulations<\/b>! You have completed this lesson. Would you like to return to the class?","Biztosan \u00e1t akarod ruh\u00e1zni a SCORM tananyagot erre a felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3ra?":"Are you sure you want to transfer the ownership of this SCORM lesson to this user?","A tananyag tanulm\u00e1nyoz\u00e1sa<\/b> k\u00f6telez\u0151 a teszt megkezd\u00e9se el\u0151tt!":"The lesson has to be completed<\/b> before starting the test.","Felt\u00f6lt\u00e9s folyamatban":"Upload in progress","Folyamatban":"In progress","El\u0151sz\u00f6r tanulm\u00e1nyozd a tananyagot!":"You have to complete the lesson first.","Biztosan el akarod t\u00e1vol\u00edtani ezt a SCORM tananyagot?":"Are you sure you want to remove this SCORM lesson?","vagy a vizsga kezel\u00e9se<\/a>":"or manage exam<\/a>","Gratul\u00e1lunk<\/b>! Teljes\u00edtetted a tananyagot. Vissza szeretn\u00e9l t\u00e9rni az el\u0151z\u0151 oldalra?":"Congratulations<\/b>! You have completed this lesson. Would you like to return to the previous page?","Nem siker\u00fclt bejelentkez\u00e9st kezdem\u00e9nyei a k\u00f6z\u00f6ss\u00e9gi szolg\u00e1ltat\u00e1ssal. Pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra k\u00e9s\u0151bb!":"Unable to initiaite login flow with the social identity provider. Please try again later!","Nincs megjelen\u00edthet\u0151 elem.":"No items to display.","Folyamatban van f\u00e1jl felt\u00f6lt\u00e9s. V\u00e1rd meg miel\u0151tt m\u00e1sik feladatra v\u00e1ltan\u00e1l!":"File upload in progress! Wait until finished before switching to another task.","Koppints ide a f\u00e1jlok felt\u00f6lt\u00e9s\u00e9hez":"Tap to upload files","Add meg az \u00faj email c\u00edmet<\/b>:":"Enter the new email address<\/b>:","Add meg az \u00faj telefonsz\u00e1mot<\/b> vagy hagyd \u00fcresen a jelenlegi t\u00f6rl\u00e9s\u00e9hez<\/b>:":"Enter the new phone number<\/b> or leave empty to remove current number<\/b>:","Add meg az \u00faj telefonsz\u00e1mot<\/b>:":"Enter the new phone number<\/b>:","maximum":"maximum","A tananyagot nem tanulm\u00e1nyoztad el\u00e9g ideig<\/b>!":"You have not studied the learning material long enough!","Ezzel az opci\u00f3val elfogadod a felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3 kor\u00e1bbi tanulm\u00e1nyait, \u00edgy a tesztet a tananyagok tanulm\u00e1nyoz\u00e1sa n\u00e9lk\u00fcl<\/b> is elind\u00edthatja. Folytatod?":"Approving the learnings for a user, will allow them to bypass learning materials and start the test<\/b>. Do you want to continue?","Biztosan elt\u00e1vol\u00edtod az \u00f6sszes (a k\u00f6rben eredm\u00e9nnyel m\u00e9g nem rendelkez\u0151) felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3t a vizsg\u00e1z\u00f3k k\u00f6z\u00fcl?":"Are you sure you want to remove all users (without results in the current round) from the examinees?","A b\u00f6ng\u00e9sz\u0151 ellen\u0151rz\u00e9s m\u00e9g folyamatban<\/b> van, pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra n\u00e9h\u00e1ny m\u00e1sodperc m\u00falva!":"Browser check is still in progress<\/b>, please try again in a few seconds.","Biztosan teljesen letiltod ezt a fi\u00f3kot?":"Are you sure you want to completely disable this account?","A felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3 m\u00e9g bejelentkezni sem fog tudni!":"The user will not even be able to login.","Biztosan \u00fajra enged\u00e9lyezed ezt a fi\u00f3kot?":"Are you sure you want to activate this account again?","\u00dagy t\u0171nik van olyan k\u00e9rd\u00e9s, amit meg sem nyitott\u00e1l!":"It looks like you have not even opened some questions!","Nem megnyitott feladatok: {unopened}":"Unopened: {unopened}","A pirosan megjel\u00f6lt mez\u0151kben megadott \u00e9rt\u00e9kek nem elfogadhat\u00f3ak<\/b>. K\u00e9rj\u00fck m\u00f3dos\u00edtsd, majd pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra!":"The values in the fields marked in red cannot be accepted<\/b>. Please change them and try again.","Szeretn\u00e9d v\u00e9gleges\u00edteni a szavazatodat?":"Would you like to finalize your vote?","Ment\u00e9s ut\u00e1n a szavazat m\u00e1r nem m\u00f3dos\u00edthat\u00f3!":"After saving, the vote can no longer be modified.","V\u00e1laszaidat a rendszer folyamatosan menti<\/b>, nem kell ide kattintanod!":"Your answers are continuously saved<\/b>, you don't have to click here!","Nem minden megold\u00e1st adt\u00e1l meg. Folytatod?":"You did not enter every solution. Do you still want to continue?","T\u00f6rl\u00f6d a felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3nak be\u00e1ll\u00edtott extra id\u0151t?":"Do you want to clear the extra time set for this user?","Ezzel teljesen elt\u00fcntethet\u0151 az eredm\u00e9ny a fel\u00fcletr\u0151l \u00e9s a felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3 \u00fajra kit\u00f6ltheti a tesztet. A m\u0171velet nem vonhat\u00f3 vissza!":"This will completely remove the result and let the user to complete the test again. The operation can not be reversed!","Az \u00e1llapotr\u00f3l a SCORM tananyagok oldalon t\u00e1j\u00e9koz\u00f3dhatsz!":"You can find out more about the current status on the SCORM lessons page.","nincs megadva":"not specified","A kit\u00f6lt\u00e9si id\u0151szak v\u00e9g\u00e9ig b\u00e1rmikor folytathatod a mostani tesztet.":"You can resume working on this sheet any time until the end of the exam period.","Azonban ne felejtsd el beadni a v\u00e9g\u00e9n a feladatlapot<\/b>, k\u00fcl\u00f6nben nem lesz ki\u00e9rt\u00e9kelve!":"Do not forget to submit<\/b> it or it will not be scored.","A h\u00e1zi feladat v\u00e9g\u00e9ig b\u00e1rmikor folytathatod a mostani tesztet.":"You can resume working on this sheet any time until the end of the homework.","Folyamatban van egy vizsg\u00e1d.":"You have an exam in progress.","\u00daj teszt addig nem ind\u00edthat\u00f3, am\u00edg azt nem fejezted be!":"You cannot start new tests until you finish that first.","El\u0151z\u0151 vizsga":"Previous exam","El\u0151z\u0151 vizsga folytat\u00e1sa":"Resume previous exam","Folyamatban van egy felm\u00e9r\u00e9sed.":"You have a survey in progress.","El\u0151z\u0151 felm\u00e9r\u00e9s":"Previous survey","El\u0151z\u0151 felm\u00e9r\u00e9s folytat\u00e1sa":"Resume previous survey","Folyamatban van egy h\u00e1zi feladatod.":"You have a homework in progress.","\u00daj teszt ind\u00edt\u00e1s\u00e1hoz sz\u00fcneteltesd le vagy v\u00e1rj\u00e1l n\u00e9h\u00e1ny percet, am\u00edg automatikusan le\u00e1ll\u00edtjuk!":"Pause that to start a new test or wait a couple of minutes until it automatically stops.","El\u0151z\u0151 h\u00e1zi feladat":"Previous homework","El\u0151z\u0151 h\u00e1zi feladat folytat\u00e1sa":"Resume previous homework","Igaz":"True","Hamis":"False","Biztosan meg akarod szak\u00edtani a k\u00e9rd\u00e9sek gener\u00e1l\u00e1s\u00e1t?":"Are you sure you want to cancel this batch?","A m\u00e1r legener\u00e1lt feladatok nem ker\u00fclnek t\u00f6rl\u00e9sre.":"Already generated questions will not be removed.","Minden eredm\u00e9ny n\u00e9lk\u00fcli vagy sikertelen eredm\u00e9nnyel rendelkez\u0151 felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3 \u00e9rtes\u00edtve lesz.":"All users without results or with unsuccessful results will be notified.","Biztosan k\u00f6zz\u00e9teszed az \u00f6sszes eredm\u00e9nyt?":"Are you sure you want to publish all results?","A teszteket nem siker\u00fclt k\u00f6zz\u00e9tenni!":"The tests could not be published.","Az eredm\u00e9nyeket sikeresen k\u00f6zz\u00e9tett\u00fck<\/b>.":"The results have been successfully published<\/b>.","N\u00e9h\u00e1ny tesztet nem siker\u00fclt k\u00f6zz\u00e9tenni. Pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra!":"Some tests could not be published. Try again.","Nem tudtunk feliratkoztatni most a list\u00e1nkra, ellen\u0151rizd email c\u00edmedet \u00e9s pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra!":"Your subscription could not be saved, please check your email address and try again.","Sikeresen feliratkoztattunk a list\u00e1nkra. Mostant\u00f3l te is \u00e9rtes\u00fclni fogsz az EduBase \u00fajdons\u00e1gair\u00f3l.":"You have successully subscribed to our newsletter! From now on, you will also be informed about EduBase updates.","Nem tudtunk feliratkoztatni most a list\u00e1nkra, pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra!":"Your subscription could not be saved, please try again.","Nem adt\u00e1l meg \u00e9rv\u00e9nyes email c\u00edmet!":"You did not enter a valid email address.","Biztosan el akarod t\u00e1vol\u00edtani ezt a taget?":"Are you sure you want to remove this tag?","A tagelt tartalmak nem ker\u00fclnek t\u00f6rl\u00e9sre.":"Tagged contents will not be deleted.","Biztosan el akarod t\u00e1vol\u00edtani a kijel\u00f6lt {selected} elemet a csoportb\u00f3l?":["Are you sure you want to remove the selected {selected} item from the class?","Are you sure you want to remove the selected {selected} items from the class?"],"Biztosan el akarod t\u00e1vol\u00edtani a kijel\u00f6lt {selected} kedvencet?":["Are you sure you want to remove the selected {selected} favourites?","Are you sure you want to remove the selected {selected} favorites?"],"{ratings} \u00e9rt\u00e9kel\u00e9s":["{ratings} review","{ratings} reviews"],"Biztosan meg akarod nyitni szerkeszt\u00e9sre ezt a {selected} k\u00e9rd\u00e9st \u00faj lapon?":["Are you sure you want to open this {selected} question for editing in a new tab?","Are you sure you want to open this {selected} questions for editing in a new tab?"],"Igaz \u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s #{index}":"True statement #{index}","V\u00e1lasz #{index}":"Answer #{index}","Hamis \u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s #{index}":"False statement #{index}","Opci\u00f3 #{index}":"Option #{index}","Harmadik opci\u00f3 #{index}":"Third option #{index}","Biztosan el akarod t\u00e1vol\u00edtani a kijel\u00f6lt {selected} f\u00e1jlt?":["Are you sure you want to remove the selected {selected} file?","Are you sure you want to remove the selected {selected} files?"],"Maximum {count} elem<\/b> jel\u00f6lhet\u0151 meg.":["Maximum {count} item<\/b> can be marked.","Maximum {count} items<\/b> can be marked."],"{count}<\/b> sz\u00f3":["{count}<\/b> word","{count}<\/b> words"],"{count}<\/b> karakter":["{count}<\/b> character","{count}<\/b> characters"],"sz\u00f3":["word","words"],"karakter":["character","characters"],"{count} k\u00f6sz\u00f6net":["{count} thanks","{count} thanks"],"{count} \u00faj<\/b> hozz\u00e1sz\u00f3l\u00e1s":["{count}<\/b> new<\/b> comment","{count}<\/b> new<\/b> comments"],"Biztosan meg akarod nyitni ezt a {selected} elemet \u00faj lapon?":["Are you sure you want to open this {selected} item in a new tab?","Are you sure you want to open this {selected} items in a new tab?"],"Biztosan el akarod t\u00e1vol\u00edtani a kijel\u00f6lt {selected} elemet a rendezv\u00e9nyb\u0151l?":["Are you sure you want to remove the selected {selected} item from the event?","Are you sure you want to remove the selected {selected} items from the event?"],"{count} elem":["{count} items","{count} items"],"Biztosan el akarod t\u00e1vol\u00edtani a kijel\u00f6lt {selected} elemet a kurzusb\u00f3l?":["Are you sure you want to remove the selected {selected} item from the course?","Are you sure you want to remove the selected {selected} items from the course?"],"Csak regisztr\u00e1lt jelenl\u00e9ttel kezdhet\u0151 meg a teszt.":"You need registered presend to start this test.","Jav\u00edtsd a piros sz\u00ednnel jel\u00f6lt mez\u0151ket<\/b>, hogy \u00e9rv\u00e9nyes JSON sz\u00f6veget tartalmazzanak!":"Fix fields marked with red<\/b> to contain valid JSON texts!","Biztosan t\u00f6rl\u00f6d ezt a csapatot?":"Are you sure you want to remove this team?","A csapat t\u00f6rl\u00e9s\u00e9vel a neki biztos\u00edtott jogosults\u00e1gok is t\u00f6rl\u0151dnek!":"By deleting the team, the privileges granted to its members will also be cleared.","Biztosan el akarod t\u00e1vol\u00edtani ezt az \u00e9rtes\u00edt\u00e9st?":"Are you sure you want to remove this notification?","Nem \u00e9rt\u00e9kelt":"Not scored","A feladat megv\u00e1laszol\u00e1sa k\u00f6telez\u0151!":"Answering the question is mandatory!","Az \u00fczenet t\u00fal hossz\u00fa, pr\u00f3b\u00e1lj meg r\u00f6videbbet \u00edrni!":"The message is too long, try to write it shorter!","\u00dczenet k\u00fcld\u00e9se":"Send message","tipp: Ctrl+Enter lenyom\u00e1s\u00e1val az \u00fczenet azonnal elk\u00fcldhet\u0151":"tip: press Ctrl+Enter to send the message immediately","megkezdve":"started","{current}\/{maximum} elk\u00fcld\u00f6tt \u00fczenet":"{current}\/{maximum} sent messages","lez\u00e1rva":"closed","Az \u00fczenetet nem siker\u00fclt elk\u00fcldeni, pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra!":"The message could not be sent, please try again!","A k\u00e9p f\u00e1jlm\u00e9rete t\u00fal nagy, pr\u00f3b\u00e1lj meg kisebbet felt\u00f6lteni!":"The file size of the image is too large, try to upload a smaller one!","elt\u00e1vol\u00edt\u00e1s":"remove","Biztosan be szeretn\u00e9d fejezni ezt a besz\u00e9lget\u00e9st?":"Are you sure you want to end this conversation?","Chat elnevez\u00e9se":"Give this chat a title","Biztosan szeretn\u00e9d t\u00f6r\u00f6lni ezt az \u00fczenetet?":"Are you sure you want to remove this message?","Csak k\u00e9rd\u00e9sek export\u00e1lhat\u00f3ak, mapp\u00e1k nem!":"Only questions can be exported, not folders!","Csak k\u00e9rd\u00e9sek \u00e9s k\u00e9rd\u00e9s csoportok export\u00e1lhat\u00f3ak!":"Only questions and question groups can be exported!","Biztosan k\u00e9rsz \u00faj \u00f6sszes\u00edt\u00e9st?":"Are you sure you want a generate a new summary?","Az EduBase Asszisztens m\u00e1r elemzi az adatokat.":"The Edubase Assistant is already analyzing the data.","Nem siker\u00fclt bet\u00f6lteni \u00faj \u00f6ssszes\u00edt\u00e9st, pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra!":"Unable to load the summary, please try again!"}}}; [ close ] Login Sign Up Learn more AI assistant Contact Magyar Teszt 3 (demó) course DumaRagu : ZOMBI TÚLÉLÉSI TANÁCS-ADÁS 3 More information, comments and related contents. Volume Speed Pause Error report 0 thanks thanks back thanks report DumaRagu : ZOMBI TÚLÉLÉSI TANÁCS-ADÁS Hives Áron Hungarian July 12 11 view 4:59 © 2013 Az Arc Nélküli Manus - Simon a Facebookon: Még több arc nélküli manus: Zene: "Fig Leaf Rag - distressed" "Unnatural Situation" Kevin MacLeod Log in to write a comment! , : Be the first to comment!